The Secret Behind Including Ham in Traditional Thanksgiving Food Dishes

Thanksgiving is a time for family, gratitude, and of course, food. While turkey is often the star of the show, many families also include ham in their traditional Thanksgiving spread. But why is this? What’s the secret behind including ham in traditional Thanksgiving food dishes? Let’s delve into the history and reasons behind this delicious tradition.

The History of Ham on Thanksgiving

The tradition of eating ham on Thanksgiving dates back to the early days of America. Pigs were a convenient source of meat for early settlers, as they were easy to raise and provided a lot of food. Ham, being a cut of pork, naturally became a popular choice for feasts and celebrations, including Thanksgiving.

Practical Reasons for Including Ham

There are also practical reasons for including ham in Thanksgiving meals. For one, it provides an alternative for those who may not like turkey. Additionally, ham is often easier and quicker to cook than a whole turkey, making it a convenient choice for those with limited time or cooking skills. Furthermore, ham can easily feed a large crowd, making it a cost-effective option for big family gatherings.

The Influence of Regional Traditions

Regional traditions also play a role in the inclusion of ham in Thanksgiving meals. In the South, for example, ham is a staple food and is often included in holiday meals. In other regions, local ingredients and food traditions may influence the choice to include ham in Thanksgiving dinners.

The Role of Marketing

Marketing has also played a role in popularizing ham as a Thanksgiving food. In the early 20th century, ham producers began promoting their products as a delicious and convenient alternative to turkey for Thanksgiving. These marketing efforts were successful, and ham has since become a common feature of Thanksgiving meals across the country.


In conclusion, the tradition of including ham in Thanksgiving meals has a long history and is influenced by a variety of factors, including practicality, regional traditions, and marketing. So whether you’re a fan of turkey, ham, or both, there’s a place for you at the Thanksgiving table.


Is ham a traditional Thanksgiving food?

Yes, ham is considered a traditional Thanksgiving food, although it is not as universally associated with the holiday as turkey.

Why do some people prefer ham over turkey on Thanksgiving?

Some people prefer the taste of ham over turkey. Others may find ham easier to cook, or they may have dietary restrictions that make ham a better choice.

Can I serve both ham and turkey on Thanksgiving?

Absolutely! Many families serve both to cater to different tastes and preferences.